
How can Helium 5G enhance WISP Service Offerings?


How can Helium 5G enhance WISP Service Offerings?

Posted by Parley Labs ,Oct 7th 2022
How can Helium 5G enhance WISP Service Offerings?

What's a WISP?

Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISP) are mostly small and medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs who live in the communities they serve. Most have built their networks with private, at-risk capital, and are profitable and sustainable without government subsidies or incumbent-protecting regulations.

What's Helium 5G?

Helium 5G is a decentralized wireless (DeWi) network that utilizes CBRS Technology. It incentivizes the expansion of network coverage by rewarding participants. In tandem, WISPs and Helium 5G can provide better services for customers while reducing capital expenditures.

Here's why Helium 5G is a game-changer for WISPs

Give Customers Higher Speeds at an Affordable Price

With Work-From-Home and Online-Learning, your customers require higher speeds now more than ever. For just a few dollars more per month, you can dramatically increase their speeds. CBRS is much cheaper than fiber and can reach the needs of day-day customers.

Extend Your Service’s Reach

As you attempt to add volume of customers, you won’t be able to keep providing the same level of service. WIth greater bandwidth available on CBRS, you can add more customers and maintain a high level of service.

If you’re operating on an ISM band with IEEE 802.11, some of your customers may experience poor service if they live in a heavily wooded area. With LTE, signals can penetrate through dense foliage and other obstacles so Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) performance greatly improves.

Reduction of Interference/Outages

Nothing is worse for customer experience than sudden interference or outages when they’re attempting to work or study. When you’re operating on an unlicensed spectrum, it’s difficult to control interference. No one is consistently managing it, and if there’s heavy usage from different sources, inference and outages inevitably occur. With CBRS, spectrum is managed by a SAS vendor, who minimizes interference by using an environmental sensing capability network (ESC). The ESC lets them know when incumbents will need to use the system so that they can quickly redistribute the spectrum and avoid outages.


Client Subscription Model

5G Proof Of Coverage

5G Data Credits

LoRaWAN Proof Of Coverage

LoRaWAN Data Credits

Are you a Service Provider looking to integrate Helium 5G into your business model?

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